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February 16, 2012

Baked Ravioli Lasagna

I have a bad habit of not labeling freezer bags. I always forget think I will remember what's in them.

Wrong!! Age has a way of forgetting you used to be able to do that.l

A week later I have been known to pick up a bag or container and have no clue what was in there. The Nudge yells scolds me for this all the time, especially when I send him to the freezer to bring up a bag of something.

Happened to me this week with a bag of frozen ravioli. I knew they were in there, I just forgot what kind they were. Since I never buy plain cheese ravioli it would have been nice to know if it was the lobster & crab stuffed or the artichoke ones.

Taking a chance I defrosted them anyways (and yes, they were a ball of frozen dough) and while they defrosted on the counter, they created such a bond between them they couldn't quite let go cleanly, and I was left with a mess that would be impossible to boil in water.

Taking a page from Mr. Food, I became the fearless and resourceful cook, refused to throw them away and made a lasagna with them (Mr. Food created the infamous ravioli lasagna, and yes, that was probably 30 years ago).
I do know that if you spoon a sauce on top of uncooked pasta, they will cook in the oven as long as you also include a 1/2 cup water and a foil cover.

When I removed the foil, the dish was bubbling away, the ravioli were cooked, the sauce had thickened and all I had to do was cover with Parmesan and Mozzarella cheese, stuff it back in the oven and bake until the top browned....yum

I have to say that I saved the day (with lots of help from Mr. Food). It looked amazing. It tasted great. No one would know it started out as a "ut oh" and I am certainly not going to tell them.

Broken Ravioli Lasagna
makes 4 hearty servings

While the ravioli is defrosting make the sauce:
* 1 pound hot Italian sausage meat, casings removed
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1/4 cup white wine
* 1 bay leaf
* 1 (28oz) can crushed tomatoes
* 1/2 (28oz) can of water
* 1 tablespoon Italian Seasonings
* salt & pepper to taste

* 4oz fresh mozzarella
* 2oz Locatella cheese, grated
* 2/3 cup water
* 1 cup sauce

Saute sausage in pan until browned and no longer pink. Add garlic. Deglaze with wine. Add canned tomatoes, seasonings, bay leaf, water and salt & pepper. Simmer for 30 minutes, covered, on low.

Place ravioli side by side, snugly in one layer in a 9x13 casserole dish.
Spoon enough sauce over pasta to cover, add water. Cover with foil and bake at 350° for 45 minutes. Uncover, top with cheeses and bake until cheese has melted, it is bubbling away and lightly browned, about 20 minutes.

Top with sausage and extra grated cheese.

I might buy ravioli just to make this again.
Imagine my surprise when Martha featured an Everyday Food feature on Baked Ravioli on Wednesday (yes, we had ours on Tuesday night and I have to say mine is better).
They say great minds think alike.

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1 comment:

  1. Necessity is the mother of invention and you were very inventive. This looks and sounds delicious. Kudos. Have a great evening. Blessings...Mary


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).