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June 24, 2012

Best Fast Convenience Food Choices - Panera's

I certainly am not a food snob. Well, I am a little. I won't eat at any of the well-known fast food establishments. Needless to say, the last time I was in one was over 15 years ago.

Yesterday I found myself in the predicament that I am sure would have driven a less stoic foe of Micky D's right up to the drive in window. I was in the middle of no where, going to no where and I had not eaten breakfast, or lunch and I still had two more hours of appointments to fulfill.

Luckily I remember passing a Panera's and it was possible to backtrack without adding any more additional wasted drive time (ie; it was on my way to the next appointment).

As usual the place was packed and with an empty table not in my foreseen future, I ended up getting it to go and sat in my car to eat. Gees, I hate doing that. You should sit, relax and eat slowly but I had no choice.

What I don't understand is how people who grab burgers to eat in the car can walk away feeling refreshed, satisfied and revived? Food should feed the soul as well as the tummy.

During the summer it is virtually impossible to pack a lunch bag to go and while just sitting in the car for 10 minutes between blasts of AC will turn that bag into a bomb. In a perfect world, I would pack a small cooler with one of those frozen blue containers, but I am not perfect. Usually, I am home by noon, all my chores and appointments done for the day.

To help other diabetics who find themselves in the same situation (or anyone who wants to eat healthier), I have decided to post about the best choices at each of the most popular fast food establishments that won't make us feel guilty. Every Sunday, as you start your week, I will pick a different chain and showcase the most popular items on the menu.

Let us start with Panera's salads since that was what I chose to eat.

Turns out I picked the one with the highest carbohydrates, but the least fat. You need to decide which is more important - fat/calories vs. carbs.
I am just showcasing the important areas for a diabetic, but for more in depth information click here.

Join me next Sunday for another list.

I hope this series of posts will show you that diabetics have lots of healthy, friendly fast food choices that they can eat and enjoy. Just remember to sit down and take that 30 minute break that your body really deserves, to be happy.

Buon Appetito!!!

Panera - Chopped Chicken Cobb with Avocado
Calories 500
Total Fat 36g
Total Carbs 11g
Fiber 2g
Sugars 2g

No. 2
Panera - Classic Cafe salad
Calories 380
Total Fat 36g
Total Carbs. 15g
Fiber 4g
Sugars 10g

No. 3
Panera - Greek salad
Calories 520
Total Fat 48g
Total Carbs. 17g
Fiber 5g
Sugars 4g

No. 4
Panera - Caesar Salad
Calories 400
Total Fat 32g
Total Carbs. 18g
Fiber 3g
Sugars 2g

No. 5
Panera - Grilled Chicken Caesar salad
Calories 500
Total Fat 34g
Total Carbs. 19g
Fiber 3g
Sugars 2g

Panera - Roasted Turkey Fugi Apple
Calories 590
Total Fat 40g
Total Carbs. 32g
Fiber 6g
Sugars 21g

Asian Sesame Salad
Calories 450
Total Fat 24g
Total Carbs. 33g
Fiber 4g
Sugars 7g

Panera - Strawberry Poppyseed
Calories 340
Total Fat 13g
Total Carbs. 34g
Fiber 6g
Sugars 22g

No. 9
Steak and Blue Cheese Chopped
Calories 790
Total Fat 54g
Total Carbs. 35g
Fiber 4g
Sugars 9g

No. 10
Fugi Apple Chicken
Calories 560
Total Fat 34g
Total Carbs. 36g
Fiber 6g
Sugars 21g

No. 11
Thai Chopped Chicken
Calories 470
Total Fat 19g
Total Carbs. 45g
Fiber 5g
Sugars 14g

No. 12
BBQ Chopped Chicken
Calories 500
Total Fat 22g
Total Carbs. 50g
Fiber 6g
Sugars 15g

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).