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September 4, 2012

Grilled Talleggio Cheese Sandwich w/Pear and Bacon

When The Nudge tells me about a great grilled cheese sandwich he had while traveling, that had thinly sliced pears on it, I immediately put my rendition of that sandwich on the menu.

Doesn't happen often that he tells me he loved the addition of the fruit on his grilled cheese and, no, he did know it was on there when he placed his order, it was not a mistake (that's his story and he's stickin' to it).

Wow, I am impressed. The last time I put fruit and melted cheese together was an appetizer I made for Christmas one year. It was a crostini spread with apple butter and baked with apple slices and brie. They were gone in 10 minutes.

I know I am hard on my hubby about his choices in food, but he's not one to embrace unique ingredients in his grilled cheese sandwich. He likes things the way they were meant to be in their purest form but he will do bacon (who would object to that anyway?) and will entertain a slice of ham or tomato on a good day, but pears?!?!

You coulda knocked me over with a feather. I'm not totally sure the devil didn't pay him a visit.

This time 'round, I was the one who wanted some bacon added, especially because I had just been to the butcher and the bacon looked well marbled and fresh.

So this grilled cheese ended up being gourmet from all sides. The bread, a beautiful sourdough from Panera's (who makes their bagels out of sourdough), applewood smoked center cut bacon, Italian Talleggio cheese, and a Bartlett pear with smooth, juicy white flesh. I also decided on a schmear of horseradish mayonnaise for a little punch to cut through all that salty, creamy and sweet.

The perfect dish with all the 4 tastes....salty, sweet, spicy, sour.

This may turn out to be our favorite grilled cheese of all time and I got the idea from the most unlikely person.....

I think Hell just froze over!!

Grilled Tallegio Cheese Sandwich w/Pear & Bacon
makes 2 sandwiches (can be doubled easily)

* 1" thick slice Talleggio cheese (brie would also work well)
* 4 slices of applewood smoked bacon
* 1/2 bartlett pear, sliced thinly
* 2 tablespoons horseradish sauce
* 4 1" thick slices of Sourdough Bread or a Country Loaf
* 1/4 cup unsalted butter

I layered the ingredients in this order.

On one slice I smeared 1 tablespoon horseradish sauce, half the pear slices, the cheese and then the bacon.

Spread butter on both outsides of the sandwich and on a panini grill or a grill pan, place the sandwiches down and press with a lid.
Soon as the bread gets GB&D flip them over and repeat.

Let cool before slicing, but do it before it gets too cool.

Serve with a cold bottle of Rose wine from Provence and enjoy the last days of summer.

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