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October 4, 2012

Mi Amigo Chico Frico

My email box is buzzing this month. I have been asked if I would like to test a few new products and blog about them (which I love to do) and one thing I got that I am totally jazzed about is two new light flavored cheeses from Cabot.

I have participated in a sponsored recipe contest for Cabot through the Recipe Redux group in the past and was happy to try these new cheeses in a few recipes. The fact that each cheese has 50% less fat, are lactose free and naturally gluten free was also a bonus.
I needed a dish that followed this lead  and it had to be healthy, new and fresh, but easy for anyone to make.

I have been trying to create recipes with only 5 or 7 ingredients and it's nice to push yourself once in a while and really find something unique that people will want to make NOW.

I originally was leaning towards a fried fritter (like a zucchini fritter) but without deep frying, most fritters can be soft or loose their crunch after a few minutes. So I threw out two tries and after sleeping on it one night it hit me.....make an Italian Frico but with American Cheeses. Cabot cheeses, new Cabot cheeses, spicy new Cabot Light Cheeses.......can you tell I'm excited about this?

Due to the flavors of the cheeses it was only natural I should lean towards the Southwest/Mexican arena and there were two directions to go in.

Allow me to introduce to you the way of the black bean, corn, red pepper, green chili stuffed frico...
a.k.a. The Chico Frico.
I tried both types of cheeses, and we all agreed that the more neutral flavor of the Monterrey Jack went better with the stuffed frico but if you keep them simple and make plain fricos, either cheese is good (I thought the cheddar was slightly saltier) and it's still the same technique.

The Nudge thought it tasted like a Mexican Pizza but without the dough. I thought they had so much flavor with so little ingredients.

I did not add any Tex-Mex seasonings with all the toppings available and will let people design their own.
This cheese really packs a nice punch so if I was going to serve these at a tailgate party or indoor sports party I would make the crispier plain one (above) and serve lots of bowls of toppings (just like a nacho/taco bar) which we all know is the way people like it. If I was serving them for dinner at the table I would treat them like a quesadilla (stuff them) and serve with ranch dressing, salsa & sour cream.

Build a Chico Frico bar and they will come.

Chico Fricos
makes 8 (5") fricos
  • 1 (8oz) package of Cabot Cheddar Jalapeno Light or Pepper Jack Light, grated
  • 1/4 cup canned black beans, drained and rinsed then slightly crushed with a spatula
  • 1/4 cup finely minced red pepper
  • 1/2 can diced green chiles
  • 1/4 cup corn, frozen or canned, drained
Heat a 9" non-stick frying pan or cast iron pan for at least 5 minutes.

Stuffed fricos:
While pan is heating, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and drop 2/3 cup cheese and vegetable mixture into dry pan and press to flatten with a spatula, pushing the sides in to make a round circle.
Cook on medium heat, until the bottom starts to brown, at least 4 minutes. Flip over and repeat for 3 minutes. Remove to a parchment-lined sheet pan and place in a 225° oven until ready to serve.

Plain cheese fricos:
Drop 1/2 cup cheese in the pan, spread as evenly as you can. Cook 3 minutes on first side, flip and cook 2 minutes on second. Remove from pan and immediately slice into wedges (6 or 8).

These will also be great with a bowl of chile, a hardy soup or stew, a healthy salad and with a bowl of dip. Best of all is the lower fat in these crisps vs. Parmesan crisps. I see these as a win-win for all.


Disclosure: Although the cheese was provided by Cabot it did not influence any opinions expressed herein. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Cabot Creamery.

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1 comment:

  1. So yummy looking! Just pinned it to our Greek Yogurt Pinterest board!
    Wendy / Cabot


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).