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November 29, 2012

Extreme Budget, Day Twelve - Flounder Meuniere with Long Grain & Wild Rice

I love sauteed fillets with a sauce. Yes, I mean all fillets, meat, poultry and fish.
This time I was doing flounder.
You can use a butter and almond sauce, a white wine and butter sauce, a lemon and caper sauce and a tomato concasse. It's all good. While rice would be good to sop up all the sauce, The Nudge requested his favorite, long grain and wild rice. It so happened I had a package in my pantry.
The only food I needed for dinner tonight was the fillet of fish and I got such a good sale on that I splurged on a half pound of asparagus @1.99 a pound for which I only used half.

Flounder Meuniere
serves 2
* 1/2 pound white fish fillets
* 4 tablespoons butter
* flour for dredging
* salt & pepper
* 1 tablespoon white wine
* 3 slices of lemon

1. Season fish with salt & pepper. Dredge both sides in flour, pat to remove excess.
2. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in pan on high heat. When foam subsides, place 1 fillet of fish in pan and saute for 2 minutes. You want the top to brown evenly. Carefully turn over and saute for 1 more minute. Remove fillet to platter and keep warm. Add another tablespoon butter to pan and repeat with other fillet.
3. Pour white wine into pan and boil until sauce thickens. Add last 2 tablespoons butter and 3 slices of lemon. Simmer until the lemon is soft and the butter has browned.
4. Place 1 fillet into each dinner plate and spoon the sauce over equally.

Cost for this meal: $4.89
Fish - $3.99
Asparagus - $ .90

Running total for 12 days: $37.34

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).