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May 11, 2013

Charm City - Baltimore

I admit I am either a pain junkie or a very determined blogger. I refuse to let Google ruin my right to share all my wonderful pictures with you.
I'll show them who's boss. I bought an App that will do the necessary coding required by Google blogger on an iPad clipboard and all I have to do is copy and paste.

Give me two weeks to read the instructions, practice my coding, view the previews 20x each and I should be ready.

At that rate, you will read my next post in June.

In the meantime, I might just pop a pic now and then because I can do one (like this one of the Capital) successfully, and type in a few words.

Today we do the Inner Harbor. I am in love with our hotel. It is as charming as the city it is in....Charm City. For those of us who want to know why Baltimore is called the Charm City, I did some digging and this was what I found out.....

The nickname "Charm City" traces its origins only back to 1975; it grew out of creative conferences among four of the city's leading advertising executives and creative directors: Dan Loden and art director Stan Paulus of VanSant/Dugdale; Herb Fried and writer Bill Evans from W. B. Donor. As leaders of the city's largest advertising agencies, they had come together at then Mayor William Donald Schaefer's request to "come up with something to promote the city. And do it now! I'm worried about this city's poor image." Mayor Schaefer had reason to worry. It was the Baltimore before Harborplace, the Maryland Science Center and the Aquarium. Charles Center was going up, but more was coming down. "Baltimore," native son Mark Kram wrote in Sports Illustrated at the time, "is an anonymous city even to those who live there, a city that draws a laugh even from Philadelphia, a sneer from Washington, with a hundred tag lines that draw neither smile nor sneer from the city: Nickel Town, Washington's Brooklyn. A Loser's Town." It was that reputation the mayor was fighting. So, the challenge was there for Messrs. Loden, Paulus, Fried and Evans. Mr. Loden recalls, "Stan Paulus and Bill Evans came up with the thought that Baltimore had so much hidden charm and started to work out how the idea might be translated into advertisements." Recalls Mr. Paulus, "It was Bill Evans who wrote the line that set it all going: 'Baltimore has more history and unspoiled charm tucked away in quiet corners than most American cities out in the spotlight.' " Soon, Dan Loden recalls, the four of them at work began calling Baltimore "Charm City." Indeed, a charm bracelet was displayed at the bottom of each ad; there were only about five of them. But "Charm City" had been born, and set into Baltimore legend. The ads ran in The Sun, and featured the charm of Charm City: White steps, steamed crabs, beer, Mount Vernon, the Preakness, Mencken, museums, quiet neighborhood streets, Babe Ruth, row houses and raw bars.

Aren't you happy I learned how to copy and paste now? I like it and plan on checking out as much of this harbor town as my poor little tootsies can handle.

Have a great Saturday!

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).