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May 6, 2013

Washington DC & Getting Settled In

The hotel where we are staying, is built within a shopping mall over a Metro Station (subway). Seems to be how all the newest hotels are built here in DC. I like it but while easy to navigate, finding an actual entrance on the street is hard. We found ourselves having to take an elevator that was right outside a Marriot complex, down to the tracks. Was either that or we would have to walk into the Marriott and then take an escalator down to the tracks. I found that very disturbing, descending down a shaft, surrounded on all sides by concrete walls, not knowing where you were ending up. I just kept thinking about us getting stuck in that shaft. Like I said, disturbing.

This is the inside of the Embassy Suites as seen right outside our door. There is s Starbucks below and restaurants like The Cheesecake Factory.

One of the newer places to eat is Range. Seems to be the "hot spot" right now.
So hot, Michelle O'Bama ate dinner in a private room while we ate at the bar.

I like this location but it's too tempting to shop. There is one of my favorite stores here, where back home, I have not, and there is a whole empty backseat in my car. I can't use the excuse of 'no room in my luggage' on this trip.

I wish I had more pictures to share but the camera we are using won't play well with my iPad and when there is no WiFi, there is no reason to carry both. Once I get home I will upload everything to my puter and post the good pictures.

Yesterday we visited Arlington Cemetary and the pictures are spectacular. Tonight we are doing the monuments and memorials at night tour, and I think this 'lil iPad will have a front row seat.

Have a great day.


  1. Hello My Fellow Blogger, I was here today checking out your site, when I recognized the photos. You are staying in my neighborhood, just blocks from my home. So I had to laugh at that. I was curious whether or not you at at Range, and if you did, what you thought about it.

  2. Hey, David,
    I loved the whole concept. We must have eaten 10 different dishes and drank a different wine with each one. While not inexpensive it is doable if you don't go overboard like us. Early is better for a seat at the bar, it's the hottest seat in town. We hit it late our last night for dessert and cognac. I give it a thumbs up!!

  3. Thanks Susan! That's good to know. I plan on checking it out, but I just haven't had the chance.


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).