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November 21, 2013

Black Bean Soup {Adding Merriment to Mixes - Recipe Redux Challenge November 2013

A few years ago I started a company to sell packaged seasonings in an envelope called On The Go Gourmet, each one for a complete gourmet meal and all that was needed was the meat and/or the liquid. Like most start-ups, the going was slow but the ones I did sell where followed by good reviews and potential.

Unfortunately that was not enough to make a go out of it, and after a year I moved on. I guess people just did not understand the concept and were afraid of spending the money.
I knew I had a good idea and from the many starter products that continue to grow on the shelves in my market, I might have given up too soon.

When The Recipe Redux unveiled their November challenge, I was happy to see that all those dried vegetables, spices, herbs and sauces would get a second chance to shine.
Oh, I use them when I cook for us, but for a blog, telling someone they have to buy dried sherry, freeze dried peppers or honey powder for one recipe just won't cut it. I sealed most of the jars and put them down the basement.

While there are a few bagged bean soups in the stores, mine has no preservatives, low sodium and can be made for pennies a jar. The last year or so you can find unique flavorings in small bags, making them easier to order exactly when you need. I had to buy a quart at a time.

I chose this soup for the ease of purchasing the ingredients.
All that's needed is a romance card with the directions. I don't know anyone who does not like black bean soup.

Black Bean Soup In a Jar
serves 4-6

* 2 tablespoons onion flakes
* 1 teaspoon celery leaf
* 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
* 1 teaspoon dried mustard
* 1 1/4 cup dried black beans
* 1 packet Knorr Classic Brown gravy
* 1 teaspoon cilantro
* 1 teaspoon cumin
* 1 tablespoon Emerils Essence
* 1 tablespoon tomato powder
* 1 tablespoon freeze-dried soup greens
* 2 tablespoons dried green peppers
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 teaspoon black pepper
* 1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle powder

* 1 1/2 tablespoon sherry (optional at the end)
* Dollops of sour cream

1. Put all in ingredients and 4 cups water in a large stock pot and simmer for 3-4 hours (slow cooker: 8 hours on LOW - 4 hours on HI).
2. Adjust the seasonings and serve with corn bread or tortilla chips.

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