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November 7, 2013

Homemade Sausage, Egg & Cheese Croissant Sandwiches

We all know that eating a good breakfast is the key to health, diet and more money in your pocket.
I would love nothing more than stopping at Java Joe's for one of these (they are the best in NJ, no really, they won the vote) but while on an occasional Saturday it's OK to splurge, there is no way I can justify one everyday. Yes, I confess. I could easily eat one of those everyday and never tire of them.
Hey, I was raised on Taylor Ham.

Since I can not afford the unhealthy nutrition or the daily expense, I bought a box of these and made them my go to breakfast. Yes, once in a while I would sneak in a yogurt but those sandwiches were guaranteed to be eaten. It was a win-win in a way, until they became popular and raised the price.

It was time I made my own and made them healthier and much cheaper.
Me making croissant dough is not gonna happen in this century so I bought a package of reduced fat crescent rolls. I tried a sausage roll, you know the kind you cook to make stuffing, but it was way too fatty and buying these patties wasn't gonna cut the cost none. I got me a coupon for these and bought some American-style soy cheese and a carton of large eggs (yes, I could have used these but I wanted the yolk in there).

After a few tries and tastes (the best part) I perfected my breakfast sandwich and now I make 8 at a time, freeze them in individual bags, nuke them (wrapped in a paper towel) while I make a cuppa Joe (60 seconds is perfect) and sit down to a pretty neat breakfast (if I say so myself). The Nudge will even grab one to go. If you buy your products at a warehouse club, you can make a month's worth at half the price. WooHoo!!

You can buy egg rings to shape the cooked egg and a burger maker for the sausage.

While not a real croissant, the tube crescents work the best for what I wanted, this time. You could make yours with tube or frozen premade biscuits, but I don't like the dry texture of a biscuit. It makes so much sense to buy the reduced fat in your bread product and the taste is the same.

Each time I make a new batch they get better as I learn what not to do again. Next time it's veggie patties and English Muffins.

I might not think I will tire of them, but there is no reason to shake things up a bit to keep it interesting.
They might not be the healthiest breakfast but it is one I know I will eat and that's a win-win anytime.

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