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November 16, 2013

Thanksgiving Greetings and Pumpkin Pie {adapted from The Night Before Christmas}

In my town we have a bi-monthly publication (free) that sells advertising for all the business destinations in our county, and for that, readers submit jokes, pictures and editorials. The Nudge reads it from cover to cover and will, at times, read them to me.

When I heard this, I just had to share.

Thanksgiving Greetings and Pumpkin Pie
'Twas the Night of Thanksgiving,
But I just couldn't sleep,
I tried counting backwards
I tried counting sheep.

The leftovers beckoned -
The dark meat and white,
But I brought the Temptation
With all of my might.

Tossing and turning with anticipation,
The thought of a snack became infatuation.
So, I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door,
And gazed at the fridge, full of goodies galore.
Gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes,
Pickles and carrots, beans and tomatoes

I felt myself swelling so plump and so round,
'Til all of a sudden, I rose off the ground.

I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky,
With a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie.
But, I managed to yell as I soared past the trees....
Happy eating to all - Pass the cranberries, please.

May your stuffing be tasty.
May your turkey be plump.
May your potatoes 'n gravy have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious.
May your pies take the prize.
May your Thanksgiving Dinner stay off of your thighs!!

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).