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December 12, 2013

Stuffed Pears

I know I haven't been posting much lately but this is the busy time for my personalized platter business. Soon, I rap up the last of my Christmas projects and have a chance for free time until we leave for DC on Christmas Day.

I have been cooking but nothing to brag about. As a matter of fact last night's dinner went into the trash and I love my husband too much to pack it in a lunch. It probably would have made the cut if I did not make it earlier in the day. I forgot how starchy pasta gets when it sits in a sauce for a few hours.

Note to self - bake the Turkey Tettrazini as soon as made, then store in the fridge. Not that it stops the pasta from soaking up the sauce but there would be less of it. Not an expensive mistake, the meat was from a free turkey and the sauce was from odds and ends of vegetables and cheeses that probably would have been dispensed when I give the fridge it's once over before leaving for the holidays.

So, rule of thumb is no leftovers allowed. I am truly cooking for two the next 15 days.

While dinner was a bust, dessert was exceptional and a perfect "For Two".
I bought my first pomegranate last week and when I saw this dessert I knew exactly what I was going to do with the seeds.

Not really a recipe but an idea and a great one at that. I mixed a few drops of honey into the goat cheese and with a scoop, filled the spot where the seeds used to be and drizzled more honey over the stuffed pear. A tablespoon of tart arils to offset the sweet of the honey and we have a new favorite and healthy dessert.

Buy Bartlett pears, they are firm and juicy, sweet and sit well on the counter for a few days. Please serve this at room temp. Enjoy!!

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).