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March 10, 2014

Chiles Rellenos Casserole + an A for Determination ♥ Week One, Day Five - EatingWell Meal Plan

I lasted 6 meals. Yup, no matter how I tried I could not resist messing with a recipe.

First it only included adding some leftovers, which, I reasoned (heavily positive towards my side) isn't all that bad as long as it did not take anything away from the original recipe. Then it all went downhill from there.

I can only explain the facts and let you come to your own conclusion, but I felt it was the only way to go.
See, I completely botched the peppers. Oh, I roasted them fine, I even peeled the skins off like a cosmetic surgeon but when I cut down the side to remove the seeds, I felt like I was once again in biology class (in which I barely passed, thank you) and the knife slipped and I there was no way that pepper would hold a filling (to my defense, the peppers were very slippery with oil).

There was no way I was not making this dish, I had all the ingredients measured and prepped and I was hungry. So I did what any resourceful, hungry, pissed off cook would do. I made a Mexican Lasagna. Without the tortillas and the carbs that go with them.

This was really good and for the record, so tasty in fact, I would make this again and not change a thing.
Yes, you heard me, not change a thing.

For those of you who got an A in biology and can do those peppers justice, the original recipe is here, on page 11.

For those of you who don't want to even try to dissect a pepper but still like the recipe, my preparation follows. This is really an easy dish to prepare. Can be made ahead, refrigerated (or frozen) and baked off just before serving. I placed each half of the casserole, heated in the oven for 15 minutes and added a poached egg, a dollop of sour cream & guacamole and drops of sriracha (omg, so good!!).

Either way, you should make this, if you like Mexican food. Add the egg or not, I felt it made it over the top (and I love huevos rancheros) and ample justification for a bad dissection.

Chiles Rellenos Casserole
Makes: 4 servings

Cooks notes: If you can not or do not want to buy duck, this is the perfect place to use the legs and thighs of a rotisserie chicken. If poblanos are not sold where you live, you can buy 2 cans of whole green chiles where the Tex-Mex foods are sold. I had leftover Spanish rice and added 1/2 cup but it's not necessary. I also used Monterey Jack cheese but any meltable Mexican cheese like chihuahua or a queso blanco is certainly acceptable but totally optional. While baking everything in one pan, I used two gratin dishes and divided each in half. Top with one egg for a brunch, two for a dinner portion. A dollop sour cream on top if not using eggs and along side if topping with eggs.

Chiles Rellenos Casserole
Makes: 4 servings

* 1 pound of cooked leg and thigh meat (duck, chicken or turkey)
* 4 medium poblanos or New Mexican green chiles
* 1 teaspoon canola oil
* 1/2 medium onion, chopped
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1 cup chopped fresh tomato
* 1 tablespoon white vinegar
* 1/3 cup chopped Manzanilla olives, or alcaparrado
* 1/4 cup slivered almonds, chopped
* 1 tablespoon raisins, chopped
* 1 cup rice (optional)
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1 cup enchilada sauce
* 1 cup grated cheese
* 1/4 cup reduced sour cream or 4 eggs or both (finishing garnish)

1. Preheat grill or set oven to broil.
2. Rub the peppers with oil and place under the broiler, set to low.
3. Broil the peppers, turning occasionally, until blistered on all sides, about 15 minutes total.
4. Peel the peppers and cut them open on one side to remove the seeds; leave stems intact if possible. Set aside.
5. Preheat oven to 375° if serving immediately. Heat oil in a large skillet and add onion and garlic and cook, stirring until soft, about 2 minutes. Add tomato and vinegar and cook, stirring until the tomato starts to break down, about 3 minutes. Stir in the meat, (optional rice), olives, almonds, raisins and salt. Remove from the heat.
6. Cover the bottom of four individual oven-proof baking gratins with 2 tablespoons of enchilada sauce. If using 1 baking dish, use 1/2 cup sauce.
7. Place 1 pepper in each gratin or two peppers in a baking dish. Spoon 1/4 of the filling into each gratin or all the filing into the baking dish. Top with the remaining peppers, the remaining sauce and the cheese.
8. Bake uncovered for 45 minutes until it bubbles and the cheese is golden brown. Remove and let it rest for at least 15 minutes. Use that time to cook the eggs (optional).

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