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July 11, 2014

Cruise to Bermuda ♥ Day Two

The second day in Bermuda we took the ferry to St. Charles, a World Heritage Site. It's a quaint town, most original from 1620. The white building is the State House.
In 1815 Hamilton became the capital and Parliament moved with it. In 1970 Prince Charles was at the reopening ceremony (he is all about British architecture) after the building underwent extensive restoration.

The town can be visited on foot but I do suggest booking a tour for those who love history. We took a cab to the ocean side, to Tobacco Bay (cost $6.00).

Tobacco Bay is like most of small dotted beaches along the 22 square mile island. Some are large and can accommodate bus loads of bathers but the smaller ones have appeal. Located amongst volcanic ridges, they offer excellent snorkeling and swimming opportunities. A blow-up raft or tube is all you need to relax the day away. Some rent chairs and food and drinks are sold.

When were arrived, the day was already half over and there was virtually no room left to sit on the deck and we were not dressed for the water, so we took the next cab back to town.

This pic was the ocean side where the snorkeling was excellent. Tiny coves where swimmers could see the colorful fish that can be found all over Bermuda.

Get there early for the best spot. We really were not prepared for swimming but I was under the impression from reviews that this place was much bigger and hanging out would be possible.

Heed my advice for any beach you go to, get there early. You order food, they give you a number and maybe, just maybe, 30 minutes later, you get your food.
I am not a fan of sand, of sun or of waiting. So while I was glad I got the photo op, I was happy to get back to St. Charles.

When we got back to where the ferry dropped us of, there was a fan favorite so we decided to wait for the ferry in the bar, watching the World Cup.
Seems everyone else had the same idea so we went outside to their outdoor terrace.
Seems everyone else had the same idea.

I ate a refreshing Bermuda Cobb Salad and The Nudge had the chicken wings.
Wasn't the best way to end our trip to St. Charles but I was so tired and hungry, I would have eaten anything that was fast. Needless to say, nothing in this place arrived fast. We got there with what I thought would be ample time to eat and catch the next ferry. I was so wrong, again. I was just about ready to get up an leave, but The Nudge is the more reasonable one (and probably more hungry that me) and managed to talk me into staying.
We made it to the ferry terminal with 30 minutes to spare and up to this point I just wanted to board my ship and get a frozen Pina Colada. It seems everyone else had the same idea and was also taking that ferry. Within three minutes the line went out the door and into the street. We were the first there but were not allowed to board, even though the ferry was empty and the crew was all there. The terminal had to be 100° and we waited those 30 minutes. Turns out the crew had no idea how many people could board in compliance with the law, so they sent two men to count each level with a stop watch, so they would know when the last legal person boarded.......sigh!!
I was so over heated, I almost started crying. All I wanted was to get back to the ship.

Oh, and the second ferry that was waiting to dock, left the terminal with maybe 50 people on board.
It ruined the whole day for me.

When we got back to the dockyard, the cruise crew had ice cold towels waiting for us and cups of ice cold water or juice.
Now that's the way to win friends!!

Next post is our last day in Bermuda and our excursion to the Aquarium and Zoo.
I promise, for us, this was the best part of Bermuda.

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).