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July 24, 2014

Tempura Fried Fish Flatbread Taco ♥ Say that 5x fast

I love the thought of a taco. Lots of condiments loaded on some kind of protein, wrapped in a tortilla.
They always look great in the pictures, on a plate.
I would love to see a video of someone actually eating a taco where all that goodness wrapped in a tortilla, stays in the tortilla and not fall on the plate.

Let's be honest here. Tacos are messy to eat.
For kids that means fun, for me that means eating a taco requires a fork. So I got to thinking.

Why not take all that wonderful food and pile it on a flat bread. Yes, I could fry a tortilla and make a tostado but I wanted the soft that a tortilla provides.

Right now, I am having a love affair with na'an bread and since it was a dinner for one, proved to be the perfect size. Now, what to top that with?
I was thinking crunchy, crisp pieces of cod, topped with a spicy corn salsa, a creamy lime crema and spicy guacamole. I did buy shredded cabbage but changed my mind at the last moment and made a slaw on the side.

This had to be the best combination of foods I have ever eaten. You can be sure I will be making this many times from now on.
Fresh corn has been available for about 1 week now and no, not from Jersey, yet. We have another month before I go crazy for local cobs, but the ones in my market are surprising hefty and very sweet.

If you can not get fresh corn, frozen is the way to go. I have a very simple recipe for my corn salsa and after you fry the fish, toss the oil and saute the corn. This is probably one of the easiest dinners to pull together and if you don't fry, just bake or grill the fish. I use less than an inch of oil in a nonstick pan and shallow fry thin slices of cod using a commercial tempura mix. It is a light coating that stays crisp for as long as it takes to finish dinner.

Since we do not eat guacamole as often as most, I buy the boxed Wholly Guacamole individual packets, which come in a box of 4 or they now sell them in the big box name brand stores. They keep for a good long time and now I don't waste any. Buy the spicy, it is wonderful!!

Spicy Corn Salsa
makes 1 cup
* 1 ear corn, kernels removed
* 2 slices of red onion, minced
* 1 clove garlic, minced
* 2 teaspoons taco seasonings
* 2 tablespoons Tomatillo Salsa Verde
* 6 plum tomatoes, diced
* 1 squirt Agave
* Salt & pepper to taste
* Hot sauce, optional

1. Saute all ingredients until all the liquid has evaporated.

Lime Crema
makes 1/3 cup
* 1/4 cup light sour cream or Greek yogurt
* 1 tablespoon Agave or honey
* Juice of 1 lime
* Salt & pepper to taste

1. Whisk all the ingredients until smooth.

Fried Fish
makes about 20 pieces
* 8oz Alaska cod, sliced thin (the frozen steaks work the best)
* 1 cup Tempura mix
* Mexican beer
* AP flour
* 2 teaspoons Taco seasonings

1. Whisk the spices with the tempura mix and then pour 1/4 cup beer into the dry mix. Whisk adding additional beer until the mixture is the consistency of paint.
2. Dip the cod into the AP flour, then into the tempura batter, coating completely.
3. In a skillet with 2-inches of searingly hot vegetable oil, fry the cod without crowding the pan, making sure they do not stick together. Flip over, continue frying until GB&D and remove to a wire rack set in a sheet pan that is warming in a low oven.
4. Salt & pepper while they are still hot.

Now, I must remind you , this filling also works in a traditional tortilla and because there is not much "juice" you might just end up with a clean plate!!

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