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August 4, 2014

Mung Bean Noodles ♥ God's Gift to Diabetics

I have been looking for a suitable tasty replacement for long pastas like spaghetti and angel hair. Something I could eat without worrying about the high GI of basic wheat pasta.

I know I do not go into detail about the GI of the ingredients in the dishes I post here because most Diabetics go by the carbs.
If you know anything about diabetes, you know that everyone reacts differently to all foods. 
Some use carbs (mostly when they inject), others who are metabolism driven like the ease of the exchange diet and then there are those that carbs of any kind at totally out of the question. For them South Beach or Paleo is the way to go, but people also need to understand that there are starchy vegetables that are OK on the Beach or Caveman's diet and might not be good for them.

I prefer not to recommend any diet for a diabetic. Testing, testing, testing is really the way to understand your body.
What I post is the dishes I personally eat to keep my A1C in check from a 7.0 to a now 3 year consistent 5.6.

Not to be confused with rice noodles, mung bean noodles are low on the totem pole of the Glycemic Index, coming in at 28, probably as low as you can go for a noodle. While not a powerhouse of nutrients, they do contain about 3 milligrams of iron in a cup of dehydrated mung bean noodles, which translates to 38 percent of the 8 milligrams of iron men require on daily basis and 17 percent of the 18 milligrams women should have each day. Iron moves oxygen around in your body, and it plays a role in the production of energy. Although it's not a significant amount of zinc, that same portion of mung bean noodles has 0.57 milligram of the mineral, which is 7 percent of the 8 milligrams women need each day and 5 percent of the 11 milligrams men require on a daily basis. Zinc protects your cells from damage and helps with wound healing as well.

While doing research on these noodles, I ran into a site that set out to do a GI blood glucose test on the top 5 starchy foods eaten by Asians. Where brown rice was highest, mung bean noodles were the lowest. It was interesting to see that yams were 4th in line at 52 (medium GI), but that's another post.

I prepared this dish with simple Asian flavorings, soy, sesame oil and sesame seeds. The Italian preparation of garlic and olive oil for the broccoli where it joined the Asian noodles for a marriage made in heaven. Even The Nudge gave them a thumbs up, but he just doesn't want them all the

Now, the two times I have eaten mung bean noodles have been with Asian-style dishes and I have yet to make an Italian sauced version. Soon as my Sweet 100's turn red, I will be making a roasted tomato sauce to dress yet another, batch of mung bean noodles.

Have I mentioned the best part????!!!!
No boiling needed. Simply soak them in hot water for 20-30 minutes, add your condiments and slurp away.
Yeah for us!!

I just bought another package to try them in a baked dish, like a tuna casserole. Will let you know how that works out. In the mean time, buy a bag, see how you like them and let me know.

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