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August 10, 2014

Savory Struesel Stuffed Sweet Potato Fondants ♥ Recipe Redux Oat + Dairy Recipe Contest

Are you tired of the traditional sweet potato casserole?
I was and for quite awhile now I have been tinkering with creating savory struesels. You know, to top almost any vegetable casserole you can think of.
Put those boring bread crumb topping recipes away and stray into the world of, not only crunchy, but over the top savory, flavorful with creamy and sweet components.
It will turn your world upside-down and make you the hit of your next holiday table.

“By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by National Dairy Council and the Quaker Oats Center of Excellence and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.”

The National Dairy Council and Quaker Oats Center of Excellence have partnered with The Recipe Redux to sponsor a contest to get the word out that Oats + Dairy make a powerful combo for you and your family. It's a sad fact but most Americans do not get their daily serving recommendation of either. Surprised that dairy is up there? I was, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense, and if this sounds familiar at your house, maybe we need to show you ways to get the whole grains and dairy into every one's diet, not just with hot oatmeal. Those people at the National Dairy Council and Quaker Oats Center of Excellence know what they are doing. Now it's our turn to pass it on to you.

In a nutshell, Oats + Milk = Protein + Fiber + 9 Key Nutrients. That's a pretty big deal. don't you think.
We all have heard how oatmeal is a Super Food. Oatmeal paired with dairy is a Power Meal.

I like to feel that those moms who sneak vegetables into dishes without anyone being the wiser, already have 1 up on the rest of us. But what about whole grains? Did you know that foods made with whole wheat flour is not the same as foods made with whole grains? Whole wheat provides fiber but no more nutrients than regular all-purpose flour.

Whole grains also control blood glucose for diabetics and prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. Pretty cool, huh? Whole grains contain nutrients that  keep your blood in tip-top shape and help strengthen your bones. Also, and this is my favorite, it's high in Vitamin A which humans need to protect your eyes. No more supplements needed, just eat oats. Dairy is perfect for calcium (your bones) and don't forget those pearly whites. Time to save money on dentist bills.
Put dairy + oats in the same room and you can feel the mood change. Happy kids in the morning, happy kids all day. Studies show that children who eat oats and dairy maintain a healthier weight, much better nutrition and they do better in school.
Hey, digestion is important. No one wants a sour tummy.

When I first read about potato fondants, I had to look it up. Seems it's a European way they shape pieces of potato, just like the French make the torpedo "tourne" potatoes. My mind immediately put a hollow in those fondants and stuffed them with a savory struesel made with oats!! These were divine and even the kids will flip over them, and yes, they are healthy.

Savory Struesel Stuffed Sweet Potato Fondants
Makes 4 servings (3 fondants each)

* 4 sweet potatoes, uniform size about 5" long , cut crosswise into 3 (1/2-inch) pieces
* Salt & pepper
* 4 ounce packet of reduced fat goat cheese, very cold
* 1/2 cup quick cooking whole grain oats
* 1/3 cup walnut pieces, chopped fine
* 1/4 cup brown sugar
* 1/2 stick cold unsalted butter
* 1/4 cup flour, your choice

Preheat oven to 350°.
1. Using a paring knife and melon baller, remove the insides of each piece of sweet potato, leaving 1/4" around the outside and half way to the bottom (as you would for twice baked potatoes of potato skins).
2. Season with salt and pepper and bake on a prepared sheet pan for 45 minutes.
Meanwhile, in the bowl of a processor, add the walnuts and pulse until they are the size of a whole oat.
3. Add the flour, brown sugar, the oats and the butter. Process to evenly combine. Remove to a bowl.
4. Break up the goat cheese with a fork or your fingers and add to the oat mixture, gently mixing till evening combined. aste and adjust seasoning.
5. Spoon 1/12th the mixture into each hollow and place on a baking sheet. (At this point, they can be covered and refrigerated until ready to serve. Bring to room temperature.)
6. Bake for 15 minutes; place under the broiler for 4-5 minutes until the tops are browned.

Now, take your bow and enjoy the applause!!!!

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1 comment:

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).