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November 9, 2014

Purée of Carrots and Turnips ♥ Libby's Vegetable Pounches "Speedy Starters and Sides" Recipe ReDux Challenge #Ad

I am only going to say one thing.....

Nearly every restaurant I have eaten in this year, plated my choice of meat, poultry or seafood on a beautiful swoosh of vegetable purée and I loved it.
They don't have to be complex, simple is best. You want to taste the sweetness of the vegetable with the addition of a few choice spices, cream or butter.

When Libby's Fruits & Vegetables challenged Recipe Redux members to create delicious appetizers, soups, salads and side dishes in 10 minutes or less using their new Vegetable Pouches as the hero, I immediately knew what I would make.

While I received a pouch each of peas, corn and green beans, we were also encouraged to use their full line of pouches including sliced carrots and mixed vegetables.

I actually created four recipes using their products. I really appreciated the convenience of the microwavable pouches. These pouches stand up in your pantry so take up less space. They are extremely easy to open and very easy to carry. My Dad is going to love these, no sharp edges and BPA free.
Libby's Vegetable Pouches are rolling out in select Walmart stores this fall, but will be available nationally in January 2015.

Each recipe used one pouch but until you can buy them in your store, one can of Libby's vegetables holds the same amount of product and can be easily substituted.

"I received free samples of Libby's Pouches mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by Libby's and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time."

Only 7 ingredients plus salt & pepper, I had this dish on the table in 12 minutes. I used the microwave to cook the onions and turnip and then to heat the finished dish.  One microwave safe bowl and my immersion blender was all that was required. While I did chop my onions and peel the turnip by hand, I believe they are available pre-chopped in the freezer or produce section of your store..

It really was that simple to make but not simple in flavor at all. The garam masala is a mix of five warm spices that are perfectly suited for the sweet carrots and the zesty snap of the turnip.
Just in time for your Thanksgiving table, even the kids will like it (tested on my neighbors 'tween).


Carrots & Turnip Purée
makes 6 servings

* 1-12 ounce Libby's sweet carrot vegetable pouch, drained, juice reserved
* 1 large turnip, peeled and sliced
* 1 medium onion, chopped
* 1/4 cup light cream
* 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
* 1/4 teaspoon garam masala
* 1/4 teaspoon salt & freshly ground pepper
In a large microwave-safe container, place the butter, onions and sliced turnip, cover with sheet of wax paper and microwave on high for 10 minutes.

Add the garam masala, cream, carrots and salt & pepper to the onion and turnip.
Puree using an immersion blender, processor or stand blender.
Taste for seasoning and correct. If the mixture is too thick, use the reserved juice to thin it out.

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