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December 4, 2014

Candy Corn Gnocchi ♥ Big wow & yum factor

Each year around this time when squash season is in full swing, I think about these gnocchi.
I call them candy corn gnocchi.

Squash, semolina & ricotta. The flavors are subtle but the nutritionals and the wow factor makes for a fun meal. The kids will get a kick out of them and would love to help form them. The younger ones could certainly make ropes (like with Play Doh), the older ones could handle cutting the ropes into sections and the 'tweens could roll them down the back of a fork (or a butter paddle if you make lots)

When I am done with mine, I lay them on floured dish towels to dry and make them easier to handle. From there they can go into a freezer bag or a pot of boiling salted water.

One recipe of dough makes about 150 gnocchi and there is always enough to give away or freeze.
One dozen per person makes about 12 servings. Very substantial and when you spend the time to make these, it is nice to make many.

The freeze wonderfully.I place mine in a aluminum pan, freeze to hard and roll into a zip bag. Cook from a frozen state until they float to the top and then count 1 minute more at a rolling boil.

Basic Candy Corn Gnocchi Dough
makes about 150
* 2 cups of ricotta cheese
* 2 eggs or 1/2 cup egg beaters
* 1 cup grated Romano cheese
* 2 cups garbanzo flour
* 3/4 cup all purpose flour
* 1/2 cup roasted or canned squash
* 1/2 cup instant polenta
In large mixing bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups ricotta, 1/2 cup Romano with the two eggs.
Divide mixture into 3 smaller bowls.
In first bowl add squash, 1 cup garbanzo flour and 1/4 cup AP flour.
In second bowl, add polenta and 1/4 cup AP flour.
In third bowl add 1/2 cup ricotta, 1/2 cup Romano cheese, 1 cup garbanzo flour and 1/4 cup AP flour.

Mix each bowl separately, adding additional AP flour, until they no longer stick to your fingers. Each dough takes different amounts of flour. Remove and form into three balls. Wrap in plastic wrap and allow them to rest for at least 30 minutes.

Cut each ball into 4 slices and roll each slice into a 3/4" wide roll. Cut each roll into 1" nuggets. Flour lightly and with the back of a fork, roll each one and place on a floured towel to dry.

I made a Hazelnut Goat Cheese Sauce. A light sauce with light flavors. While a tomato sauce would be OK, I really like my gnocchi with a white sauce.

Hazelnut, Goat Cheese and Port Sauce
* 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
* 1 shallot, minced
* 1/2 cup chicken broth
* 1/2 cup toasted hazelnuts, chopped
* 2 tablespoons cream
* 1/4 cup Port wine
* 5 fresh sage leaves minced
* 1 tablespoon goat cheese

Simmer for 30 minutes. Puree and return to pot and simmer another 30 minutes.
Strain and add another 1/4 cup chopped hazelnuts and goat cheese to sauce before serving. Stir to combine. Additional tablespoon of butter is optional.

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