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March 15, 2015

Individual Carrot Tarts with a Cheesy Rice Crust ♥ USA Rice Federation Sponsored Recipe ReDux Challenge #AD

I gave up on making savory crusts and gave in to store bought.
This recipe challenge finally gave me the push I needed to create a crust for savory applications.
Two years ago, on Thanksgiving, I created a goat cheese carrot tart, with the store bought shortcut crust, and it disappeared the first go round.
This year I found what I was led to believe was the ultimate crust recipe and watched as it melted into a puddle of butter.

Although I wasn't caving in, it did remain on my "To Do" list. Until now.

The USA Rice Federation, in conjunction with the The Recipe ReDux, is sponsoring a recipe contest during National Nutrition Month, featuring nutritious and delicious recipes using U.S.-grown rice.

“By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by USA Rice Federation and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.”

Many years ago brown rice was only sold in health food stores and mostly eaten in communes or by  hippies. My mom was a health educator, so while I was exposed to health foods at an early age, brown rice and kids? not the best marriage.

Today, due to social media and the Internet, brown rice is no longer misunderstood. Did you know that rice is the most consumed grain in the world? It's affordable and makes a great partner to other healthy foods. Naturally gluten-free, it is a great option if you find yourself sensitive to gluten.

As a Diabetic, that's excellent news. Not only does it help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses (Diabetes being one of them), it helps lower blood pressure and is a great source of fiber.
I love the nutty taste of brown rice and US-grown Basmati (one of many) is the rice at the bottom of the Glycemic Index. Everyone can benefit from eating low GI foods.

I live in an empty nest home, so many of the recipes we eat, I scale down. When I enter a recipe contest, I am always thinking about families of two and six.
While this recipe was made in a 6-cup Texas muffin tin, the amounts listed in the recipe will also fill a standard casserole baking pan. 

My first attempt was baked in an au gratin pan and while I ate the whole thing, it needed a few tweaks. This version, using a muffin tin and US-grown short grain brown rice was a complete success. A short grain rice has just enough starch to make a successful crust.

Carrot & Goat Cheese Tart
makes 6 portions

* 2 cups cooked U.S.-grown short grain brown rice
* 1/4 cup grated cheese, 4 Cheddar or 4 Italian blend 
* 1 egg

* 1 1/2 pounds carrots, sliced into 1/2" coins
* 5 peeled garlic cloves
* 1 tablespoon both olive oil and unsalted butter
* 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
* 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
* 3 eggs + 1 egg yolk
* 2 ounces goat cheese
* 1 cup buttermilk
* 2 tablespoons honey
* 1 teaspoon sea salt
* 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
* 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated black pepper

You will need:
One pie plate or a 6 piece Texas muffin pan
Large sheet pan
Small bowl of water

1. Preheat the oven to 425°. In a large bowl, add the carrots, garlic cloves, coriander, olive oil & butter. Toss to coat and season with salt. Add mixture to a sheet pan, evenly spaced and roast for 40 minutes, mixing halfway.
2. Remove carrots from the oven and add to the bowl of a blender. Add the eggs, buttermilk, honey and goat cheese and puree. Does not have to be perfectly smooth.
3. Season with nutmeg, salt & pepper.
4. While carrots are roasting, mix the rice, cheese and egg. Separate mixture into 6 equal 3 ounce portions (if using muffin tin) and spray the pan of choice with a release agent.
5. Using a spoon dipped in the water, spread the rice evenly to the edges of the pan. Dip the spoon into the water if the rice starts to stick.
6. Bake the crust for 30 minutes. Remove and cool. Can be refrigerated, covered, up to two days or frozen up to one month).
7. Spoon the carrot mixture into the pie plate or muffin tins, filling right to the top, without going over.

8. Bake for 30 minutes at 350°. If you stick a toothpick into the center, it should be moist but not wet. Remove and cool for 15 minutes. Serve immediately or, if refrigerated, bring to room temperature and reheat in the oven for 20 minutes. They are done when the tip of a knife inserted through the tart comes out warm.

The crust was crisp and chewy and the interior was creamy, tart and sweet. The perfect side to a roasted meat or a baked fish.
What child wouldn't love their own tart?




1 comment:

  1. What a unique recipe and carrots always make me think of Spring - pinning this one to try!


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