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June 11, 2015

Sweet Egg & Sun-Dried Pesto Bread Muffin ♥ Safest Choice Eggs Lean & Light #Sponsored Recipe Contest

In many Asian homes, breakfasts are not quite like ours, but lately, just like the Italian American dishes of our childhood, many Asian dishes have been tweaked to combine the best of both worlds.

Nothing is more relevant than Korean food. During the Korean war and many years after, Americans stationed in Korea had a profuse influence on food. Today, Korean foods are all the rage and Mom & Pop Korean restaurants can be found in even the smallest strip malls across the American landscape but unlike Vietnam, Cambodia and mainland China, there were already many  familiar American ingredients in a Korean's diet.

“I received coupons for free samples of Davidson’s Safest Choice Eggs mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.”

I, like many, are enamored with Asian foods, and while there are some ingredients I will not eat, the majority of Korean dishes have caught my attention with their easy to source ingredients.
I combined America's love of On-the-Go Breakfast foods with a Korean and Italian influence to create a Light & Lean Sweet Egg & Sun-Dried Pesto Bread Muffin.
Sort of a Savory/Sweet Muffin with an egg baked into it.

If you are concerned about a soft cooked egg, Davidson's Safest Choice Eggs are pasteurized. They cook and taste just like the eggs we were all brought up with but without all the worry of Salmonella.
Don't you just love all the innovations in the food industry of today, from organic to eradicated milk and now the elimination of food-born bacteria.
If you like runny poached, sunny-side-up, or soft-boiled eggs (I love them all), switching to Davidson's pasteurized eggs would be a good precautionary measure especially with larger and larger occurrences of Salmonella poisoning.

So, if you are cooking for young children, an elderly person, or someone with a weakened immune system, say from cancer therapy, HIV, or some other cause, pasteurized eggs can add a level of safety that may make everyone more comfortable.

While the Koreans use an oval pan, my Texas Muffin Tin proved to be quite adequate and the edges browned to a crisp crunch, the eggs stayed soft as the bread baked up and around them and were done in 15 minutes. A complete yum all around!

A wonderful balance of crunchy, sweet, savory, eggy, salty, spicy combination of flavors.
As with most baked goods, they tasted even better the second day and 4 days later.

If you have 30 minutes and would like to save money, time and eat a better breakfast, and can use a blender, you must try these. While I kept it simple, one could add chopped ham, peppers, hash browns or bacon.

Do not leave out the pesto, please but if sun-dried isn't your cup of tea, use your favorite flavor.
It's all good.

To store: Wrap individually in wax paper and then use your favorite container. Mine fit well into a rectangular food container, making it easy to grab one and go.
To heat: In a microwave (wrapped in a paper towel) on high, one minute should heat the bread without cooking the egg.
In a toaster oven: Toast for 3-4 minutes on an oven-proof tray.

Sweet Egg & Sun-Dried Pesto Bread Muffin
Makes 6 large muffins

* 3/4 cup all purpose flour
* 2 large eggs, whisked
* 1/2 cup your favorite butter substitute
* 2 - 3 tablespoons sugar replacement (depending on your preference for sweet
* 1/4 cup fat-free evaporated milk
* 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
* all natural butter spray

* 6 Davidson's Safest Choice Eggs
* 4 tablespoons sun-dried tomato pesto
* chopped ham, bacon, peppers or potatoes, optional
* 2 spring onions, minced
* chopped parsley, optional
* salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 400°.
Meanwhile, spray a Texas muffin tin with butter spray.
In a blender or a large bowl, mix first 7 ingredients until smooth.
Pour mixture evenly into six muffin cups and break one egg on top of batter.
(I use a small bowl in case of breakage)
Spoon 1 teaspoon of pesto on each side of egg. Additional fillings can be spooned opposite the pesto.
Season with salt & pepper, parsley and onions.

Bake for 14-15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool before storing or eat them immediately.




  1. Such a great portal tasty protein packed muffin!

  2. i love when my breakfast is portable and this does the job!


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).