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July 12, 2015

Veal Meatballs with Tuna Aioli (Vitello Tonnato Pulpetta) ♥ Bumble Bee Seafoods "The Benefits of Seafood" #Sponsored Recipe Contest

I'm beginning to see a pattern in the two recipes I created for this Recipe ReDux and Bumble Bee Seafood's sponsored contest. Both are based on famous Italian dishes that I put my creative touches too.

Vitello Tonnato is made with leftover roasted sliced veal which lays under a flavorful aioli made with canned tuna.

Our challenge was to educate our readers about the benefits of adding more tuna to their diet.
I find that what my Mom made me growing up is foods that I still eat today and Bumble Bee Albacore Tuna in Water was the only tuna in our pantry.
I took this approach based on studies that today's kids need eye candy to entice them to eat a good-for-you food. 
What child wouldn't get a kick out of a large meatball with a sauce made from tuna in a can?

Adding a good sprinkle of grated cheese to the top and you have a sure thing.

"I received free samples from Bumble Bee Seafoods that are mentioned in this post. By posting this
recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by Bumble Bee Seafoods and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.”

There are so many reasons for eating canned tuna and if you are not a child but expecting one.
Pregnant women need to consume an average of 3-4 servings of canned albacore tuna packed in water per week to get the maximum benefit for her child's optimum IQ by age 9.
Now, I didn't know that and gladly pass this important information to you.

Bumble Bee's Solid White Albacore Tuna in Water contains the highest level of Omega 3 fats in canned tuna due to the fact that oil and water don't mix.

Say what!?!?

Say with me here....Omega 3 oils remain in the tuna if it is packed in water. The tuna packed in oil mixes with the beneficial Omega 3 oils and when you drain the can, both the oil and the beneficial Omega 3's go with it into the sink. We can't have that. Omega 3's are instrumental in keeping arteries unclogged and hearts working at peak performance. Another reason to ♥ canned tuna.
Free from Saturated Fat, canned tuna is also an excellent source of protein, Vitamins B6 and B10, Selenium and Niacin.

Good for everyone!!

Let's get cooking.....

Veal Meatball with Tuna Aioli
makes 4 (7oz) meatballs

* 1 pound ground veal
* 1/2 cup fresh breadcrumbs
* 1/4 cup milk
* 1/2 cup grated Romano cheese
* 1 large egg, beaten
* 1 medium shallot, minced
* 1 large clove garlic,minced
* Fresh grating of nutmeg
* 2 teaspoons fresh sage, minced
* salt & pepper

Mix ingredients in a large bowl. Divide into quarters and form meatballs. Bake for 45 minutes at 375 degrees.

Tuna Aioli (Tonnato)
* 1 can Bumble Bee Albacore in Water
* 2 teaspoons anchovy paste or 4 anchovies, mashed
* 1 teaspoon capers, rinsed
* 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
* 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
* 1 teaspoon lemon zest
* 1 tablespoon honey
* 1/2 cup mayonnaise
* salt & pepper, to taste

Place all ingredients into a processor or blender. Puree until smooth.

To serve: Spoon aioli over meatball, sprinkle grated cheese and parsley over sauce and serve.
Can be eaten room temperature.

Leftover sliced meatballs make excellent sliders, spoon cold aioli over veal and pack into your favorite slider bun.



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