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August 26, 2015

Millet & Quinoa Salad with Grapes, Almonds & Feta Cheese ♥ my 1000 calorie day diet

I promise to make this short.
When I turned 53 I quit smoking. At 58 I got COPD.
When I hit 60 this year, I was warned I would be in serious trouble if I did not do something about my weight, by the time I was 70.

This post is a benchmark for turning my health around. With my diabetes in control, I put myself on a strict diet. I mean a 1000 calorie a day diet.

The only thing that I knew would work and I could stick to, was a diet of protein shakes, fruits, grains and lean protein.
No alcohol, no sugars and no cheating.

Today is my first full week. I have lost 7 pounds, I am sleeping better, so I am more alert and I have more energy. One could call that wishful thinking and tell me it's all water but it's incentive that I am on the right path.

I thought I would share with you a grain salad that keeps in the fridge all week and it's oober healthy (and filling) so I can graze on it when plain fruits just won't do. I plan on making a different variation every week.

I started by cooking 1 cup millet and quinoa. That made 8 cups cooked. I used two cups for this recipe.

I served it with a grilled rockfish and right before serving, I added chopped cucumber, almonds, red peppers, green grapes and feta cheese.
A tablespoon of Marzetti's lemon vinaigrette and dinner was served. It was so refreshing, even The Nudge enjoyed it.

Let's get cooking.......

Quinoa & Millet Salad
makes 8 cups

* 1 cup millet
* 1 cup quinoa
* 4 cups water/vegetable broth combination
* salt & pepper

Green grapes, quartered
Minced red pepper
Honey roasted almonds
1" slice feta cheese, crumbled (not the already crumbled)
Lemon Vinaigrette
Baby lettuce mix


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Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).