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February 21, 2016

The Purple People Eater ♥ Break Out of Breakfast Boredom - The Recipe ReDux Challenge February 2016
Another Recipe ReDux monthly challenge.

Break Out of Breakfast Boredom
Cooks aren’t always pressed for time in the mornings – they just need new ideas. Think mug cakes, smoothie bowls, breakfast cookies and more. Show us the healthy way you wake up your breakfast – or wake up just for breakfast!

Over the last 6 years of publishing posts I have tried many different foods to tempt me to eat breakfast. Let me count the ways......
1. Breakfast Quesadilla
2. Egg Omelet
3. Breakfast Sandwich
4. Instant Oatmeal Pancakes
5. Breakfast Breads (ie: Banana, Pear, Apple, etc.)
6. Breakfast Muffins
7. Fruit Bowls
8. Overnight Oatmeal

While all wonderful ways to wake up (and to consistently eat the most important meal of the day), nothing stayed with me long. I tend to tire of foods quickly going through phases even with dinners.

When I started the Zero Belly Diet, I was introduced to protein power smoothies.
Since I am well aware of my propensity for loosing interest after stocking my pantry full of expensive ingredients, I started with a small container of protein powder, a container of blueberries and a quart of almond milk.

While it took a few tries at measurement levels (the protein powder can have a gritty taste), I finally found THE smoothie flavor both me and The Nudge could enjoy each morning for days at a time before moving on (our second fav is the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup) and that means I can make a gallon at a time.

I call it The Purple People Eater after the song released in 1958.

Very easy to remember, it only has 5 ingredients but can be embellished with chia seeds, an avocado, pineapple (for sweetness) or ground flaxseed.

Let's get blending.....

Purple People Eater
makes a quart
* 1 cup fresh blueberries
* 1 small container of blackberries
* 1 tablespoon almond butter (PB would work also)
* 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
* 2 scoops Vegan protein powder (I use Seeds of Change Vanilla Raw Meal)

If the berries are sweet, you can stop right here....but if you like it sweeter, add a spoonful of fresh pineapple. If you add chia seeds you will need to add more almond milk as the seeds expand. An Avocado with require extra almond milk or apple juice.


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Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit a part of my little world. Just remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the world of food....."va tutto bene" (it's all good).