At least 3x a year, I get a craving for kielbasa. I can only think that I love the spices and the pop of the skin as you take a bite. More for my Father than me, I did a taste test on turkey kielbasa and once I found the one that most tasted like the pork variety I bought a big box store package and gave one to my dad. Now he always has one the freezer at all times.
I thought it would be nice to surprise him with homemade pirogi (Polish ravioli). This was my first time making pirogi, but won't be my last. The dough is super easy (done in the KitchenAide), I used my pasta rollers to roll the dough to the proper thickness (also with my KitchenAide) and used a 4" ring to cut out the rounds....
I invested in a $3.00 dumpling form maker and this made it 1-2-3 easy! Yay for me. Once I got everything prepped it took me 30 minutes to make 2 dozen.
I was raised Roman Catholic, but attended a Polish congregation, not Italian. I was surrounded with Polish food in every direction. Right next door, lived what I would say was the 'original' Martha. A huge family living on a teachers salary, she would bake pies, cakes and cookies, make her own applesauce (from the apples in our trees), and when I would babysit her kids, she always asked me over for dinner. She sewed all their clothes, hung them out to dry (no dryer on good days) and watched every penny spent.
I think I learned more about cooking from her than my own mother and this is were I get my love of pierogi (and stuffed cabbage).
It is hard for me to choose my favorite stuffing, so I just made one with everything. Filled with roasted garlic, potatoes, ricotta, sour cream and an egg yolk for richness, these HAD to be good.
A turkey kielbasa, a head of broccoli, some really good mustard and maybe a little dollop of creme fraiche. All I know is these are 'da bomb!!
Potato, Cheese and Roasted Garlic Pierogi
Makes two dozen
* 2 cups flour
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1 large egg
* 1/2 cup sour cream
* 1/4 cup butter, cubed
Mix everything into a large bowl with a wooden spoon. On a board, sprinkled with bench flour, knead dough until it comes together. Roll out to an 1/8" thickness and cut 4" circles.
* 3 red potatoes
* 4 cloves garlic
* 1/4 cup sour cream
* 1/4 cup ricotta cheese
* 1 egg yolk
* salt & pepper
Peel and cube potatoes and steam, with the garlic cloves, for 25 minutes. Add to bowl with cheese and sour cream. Mix in egg yolk, salt & pepper.
With a small 1 ounce scoop, fill each circle with filling, crimp and set aside on a towel.
If the dough does not stick together, use water around the edges to seal.
Boil for 4 minutes in a pot of highly salted water (1 tablespoon per gallon). Remove to a buttered bowl.
Add more butter to a saute pan and fry the pierogi for 3 minutes on each side until they are golden brown.
I always serve mine with fried kielbasa slices and a vegetable (broccoli or carrots).
Review: Make these and freeze the other dozen, or give them to someone who has never had them, for a huge treat. Tradition is to serve boiled with sauteed onions but I like to add the kielbasa for a full meal.
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