I don't always enter every recipe contest that is offered, I have blog rules that I like to adhere too.
First and foremost, the sponsors food must fit into my everyday life,
Second, they have to fall into a category that adds to the dietary subject of this blog, and
Third, while samples are often provided, the food has to be accessible to, well, everyone, and most of all,
It has to be a legit healthy food product.
This month's sponsor is Dare Foods - makers of Breton Gluten Free crackers.
Although easily found across the USA, "I received free samples of Breton Gluten Free Original with Flax and Breton Gluten Free Herb and Garlic from Dare Foods Incorporated mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by Dare Food Incorporated and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time."
I love these crackers and anything that tastes great and does my body good, well, I am all for it!!
Why would a gluten-free food help with my diabetes? OK, let's have a little talk about Gluten-Free.
Those words are all over the food world, from packaged baking products, prepared foods (like deli and sauces) to restaurant menus, alcoholic beverages and cocktails and almost every food blog that has a gluten-free category.
Like most new diets, gluten-free is not a fad diet but people throw that word around like they did with 'no trans fat' (which we knew was misused) and '100% juice' (how about less than 3%), I am happy to say that this product passes all my rules.
They are delicious and they add to the diabetic subject of this blog, even though they are a prepared food.
I love that.
Did you know there are studies that state 25% of Diabetics (resistant to their own insulin) are afflicted with Celiac Disease (allergy to natural gluten).
I was happy to create gluten-free recipes using Breton Gluten Free crackers.
Let's see what I prepared for you today.
There really is a great story behind my inspiration for this post and it might just have something to do with (no, it did have to do with) The Nudge and a last minute scheduled business trip to Copenhagen.
I was clicking on "things to do in Copenhagen" and everywhere I clicked there was a picture of the infamous open-faced Smørrebrød of the Scandinavian countries, especially Denmark.
Right there I knew what I was going to make for this challenge. Best yet, I knew I was on to something when hubby's Swedish traveling partner, upon seeing the entry pics I forwarded to them, confirmed that I was on the right track. Seems there are more sandwich shoppes in Copenhagen than there are Micky D's in America.
I decided to Americanize and update their famous sandwiches. First a little history.
Smørrebrød "butter and bread" usually consists of a piece of buttered rye bread or a dense, dark brown bread, topped with commercial or homemade cold cuts, pieces of meat or fish, cheese or spreads. This daily practice is the base on which the art of the famous Danish open sandwich, smørrebrød is created: A slice or two of Deli is placed on the buttered bread, and then decorated with the right accompaniments, to create a tasty and visually appealing food item.
These were so much fun to make. Everything you see was bought at my local supermarket at extremely affordable prices. I know my supermarket carries two brands of deli that are certified gluten free, you can check with your supermarket. The flounder was coated using GF fish fry crumb mix.
Allow me to truncate.
The first selection you see, are our seafood smørrebrød, moving down to the pork and then beef, covering all the bases and hitting a home run.
I choose the Breton Gluten Free Original with Flax for the seafood and pork with the Breton Gluten Free Herb and Garlic for the beef smørrebrød.
I was sure my American version of smørrebrød would be absolutely perfect for a light dinner, entertaining appetizer platters or a family lunch.
Platter #1:
German and American Smørrebrød
Interpretation of an iconic German Pork Roast dinner & an American Ham & Swiss
German Sandwich
* Breton Gluten Free Original with Flax crackers
* Thin slice roasted pork loin
* Apple butter
* Spoonful of sweet and sour red cabbage
* Fresh horseradish or sauce
American Sandwich
* Breton Gluten Free Original with Flax crackers
* Slice of spiced ham or Virginia ham
* Spoonful of whole grain mustard
* 6-7 julienne strips of Swiss cheese
* Mandarin orange segment
Platter #2:
English and Italian Smørrebrød
Interpretation of Beef Wellington and a Caprese Salad
English Sandwich
* Breton Gluten Free Herb and Garlic crackers
* Slice of liverwurst
* Thin slice of roast beef
* Slices of red onion
* Watercress
* Tomato Pesto
Italian Sandwich
* Breton Gluten Free Herb and Garlic crackers
* Slice of salami or pepperoni
* Slice of provolone cheese
* Pinch of prosciutto
* Slice of red pepper, sweet or hot
* Basil leaf or dollop of basil pesto
Platter #3:
Canadian and Danish Smørrebrød
Presentations of Nova Scotia Lox and Copenhagen Flounder Salad
Canadian Sandwich
* Breton Gluten Free Original with Flax crackers
* Seafood cheese spread
* Spoonful of scrambled eggs
* Minced Nova Scotia Lox
* Julienned radish slice
* Chopped chives
* Quarter of a lemon slice
Danish Sandwich
* Breton Gluten Free Original with Flax crackers
* Spoonful tartar sauce
* Piece of fried flounder
* Pickled cucumber
* Shrimp salad
* Red onion slice
* Sprig of fresh dill
I think everyone will agree that any table where these American smørrebrød are served will get the conversations and questions about "so tell me, what's on these gems?" started, the juices flowing "Hope there are more of these in the house, I could eat a ton" and the proud host beaming "Yes, I made these all myself and yes, they are completely gluten free" to "however did you get the time to do all this" knowing it was all done ahead of time and in under an hour and the best part (no cooking required!!)
Kid friendly, add or minus ingredients depending on preferences, there is something for everyone, sandwiches can be made ahead and served at room temperature. What's not to love? You will be the talk of the walk.
Oh, and did I mention, they taste great?!?! Bye-bye loafers, Momma's got a new pair of pumps.

These combos are amazing (and almost too pretty to eat!) Reminds me of my trip to Norway where smorrebrod/open face sandwiches were your typical lunch :)
These look beautiful and delicious!
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